Why PPCAT Does Not Run For The Spanish Elections With Podemos | PirateTimes

    • Antonio García García

      PPCAT is in bad shape, with not too many physically involved anymore. They got only 300 and some votes when they participated in the last regional elections in Catalonia. Because they know they don’t stand a chance of scoring anything relevant anymore they try to include themselves into other coalitions, asking members who prefer that the party presents itself as a stand-alone and would vote in such way to personally commit time and resources towards making such thing less of a laughing stock issue… without much success. It only works where their reputation is not hurt by bad previous experiences with people already present in the coalitions they intend to join.

      As for the Pirate Confederation led by Lorena… the first of the regional pirate parties set up to make this Confederation in a bid to present PPCAT’s candidature to the European Elections of 2014 a less hopeless catalan-only issue… has decided its dissolution: https://twitter.com/piratasdearagon/status/734458022685253632.

      The Pirate Party of Spain is all but gone too. It takes knowing some of its recent history to value at its worth the fact that the COMPLETE writeup of what they choose to name as their last Extraordinary General Assembly is proudly no more than 31 (yes, thirty one) lines long: http://partidopirata.es/x-asamblea-general-2/

      Thanks EVERYBODY since the PPI GA 2012 in Prague… for their effort in making the Pirate Movement in Spain a big success!!!