The two party system: an evil worse than a Clinton evil | PirateTimes

    • c3o

      Claiming that Clinton is a “more dangerous option” for US President than Trump is a ridiculous trivialization of the most megalomaniac, unabashedly openly racist, violence-inciting proto-Fascist ever to run for that office. I’m all for working on fundamental reform, but casting an invalid write-in vote or any other that helps Trump become President will do exactly nothing to “bring the power structure to its knees”. I also don’t understand what this is supposed to have to do with Pirate politics – time to unfollow.

        • Deuce_2112

          You don’t get why Clinton is a bad choice? The Kool-Aid is strong in you.

            • c3o

              I did not make the statement you believe I did.

        • Jelena Jovanovic

          An honest vote for Bernie or Stein is far from enabling Trump to “become President”, as you say. That political calculator is the devious thing of our times, and reminds me of false premisses in my part of Europe
          – not voting is voting (war is peace, etc)
          – not voting for our candidate helps the candidate you hate (in other words, candidates you can trust are worthless for our oligarchy, we’ll win)

          Nope. Thats not what democracy is about. People should be able to cast vote (or abstain from voting, if they want, and if its their informed decision).

          I dont think you should “unfollow” unless its the new way hipster
          culture deals with differences in opinion and / or opinionated articles.

        • The Clintons are THE megalomaniacal family of DC. Trump is openly racist, while the Clintons are closetedly racist. Trump doesn’t incite violence so much as make it visible, because I assure you that we minorities have suffered before the rise of Trump. Charges of fascism are too strong, as Trump is just another par-for-the-course politician. Write-in and third-party votes do not “help Trump” unless the only two candidates are Trump and Clinton, or the race is marginally close between them (within 10,000 votes, perhaps). Using your democratic voice on an alternative rather than throwing it away by not voting or by voting for the two-party system without affecting the outcome will add momentum to the rise of viable competition and thus amplifying the message and easing potential reform. The sources on Clinton are easily found by searching Google, if you are skeptical of any particular claim (do your research, as it says). Pirate politics are all about liberty for the people and freedom from the power structure, so this fits right in.

            • Rasmus Outzen

              Not defending Trump’s draconian race baiting etc., but I’m advocating some realism to why the media and the imperial system actually hates Trump. This is why (you can be a maverick fascist and challenge another fascism: imperialism):

        • Rasmus Outzen

          Zero sources divided by none:

            • c3o

              Hillary is an interventionist imperialist, just like all other US presidents before her. That’s obvious, regrettable, and also hardly a departure from the status quo. She would unfortunately not have a snowball’s chance in hell and wouldn’t have gotten to where she is if she, especially as a woman, appeared “weak” on the (objectionable!) use of America’s military. She’s also, for the US mainstream, quite progressive on most other issues. She will appoint Supreme Court justices that will generally uphold civil rights. And, yes, her election as the first woman will open doors to women with less “hawkish” foreign policy positions to eventually follow.

              Trump, on the other hand, advocates a nuclear South Korea. He wants to “bomb the shit” out of ISIS. He wants to torture people “a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding” with no due process. He continuously attacks the freedom of the press, Americans of muslim faith, women and whoever else crosses him. He’s a racist, narcissistic schoolyard bully whose election would be an unprecedented danger to the world.

              In a broken electoral system like the US’, you can’t fix the world with your vote. The only option voting affords you is preventing the even worse. That’s why you need to focus on working outside that system to change it – but a Nader vote that ends up electing Bush over Gore doesn’t make progress, quite the opposite. It’s a totally different situation than in the representative elections in which Pirate Parties (most of them with at least equally fringe appeal as, say, Jill Stein) usually run.

              Clinton will be a typical US president, with all that entails. That’s no cause to celebrate. At the same time, she is the obvious choice (An argument can be made for voting for Stein in safe blue states; if that makes the voter feel better). And she is continuously subjected to sexist standards and exaggerated, contradictory smear campaigns from both the left and right. It is these that I reject.

    • Jelena Jovanovic

      Loved this part
      “Yes, do vote. Why not? Vote for the candidate that stands for the needs of the people.
      Write in your choice. Vote Green. Vote Bernie, vote Stein. Send the
      message. And then exercise the last power that we the people have.