Reporters Without Borders | PirateTimes

The General Assembly 2016 of Pirate Parties International
Since January I was busy on several levels in organizing the general assembly together with some Pirates: Jessica Zinn from Berlin (Germany), Jelena Jovanovic from Belgrade (Serbia) and former Chairman of PPI, Andrew Reitemeyer from Pongaroa (New Zealand). We were…

Press Freedom Declining Around the World
Every year Reporters Without Borders (RSF) compile an index of press freedom around the world. The index has been published since 2002 and measures the state of press freedom in 182 countries. It measures “the media freedom situation based on…

Chelsea Manning’s First Birthday in Prison
Today, 17 December 2013, Chelsea Manning is spending her birthday in prison, the first of a remaining thirty-five. In August this year, after three years of incarceration, she was sentenced to a prison sentence for 22 different charges, including aiding…
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