Swiss Pirate Party Elects Co-Presidents, Passes Resolutions Regarding Upcoming Votes | PirateTimes
Swiss Pirate Party Elects Co-Presidents, Passes Resolutions Regarding Upcoming Votes
Saturday, Pirate Party Switzerland co-presiden ! he General Assembly elected Guillaume Saouli and Stephan Thöni
IT developer and student rights
Guillaume Saouli, 44
Geneva will tasks regional sections a defend the the Pirate Party s .During the
General Assembly, the following positions for the referendum o June 14:- Yes to change the constitutional article on assisted reproduction and genetic engineering allow .
- debate.
- Yes to the “Initiative on scholarships,” because knowledge is studies.
- No to the federal law on radio and television as taxes.
a referendum against the law.
Featured image: Piratenpartei beider Basel CC BY
About Morgan Pevonka-Thompson
Morgan is a founding member of the Wisconsin Pirate Party Cooperative, a state party affiliated with the US Pirate Party.
She wears many hats: as a certified firearms instructor, she trains people in the safe use and handling of firearms, as well as for the carry of concealed weapons. As a Federal Firearms Licensee, she collects curio & relic firearms. As a licensed amateur radio operator, she is active in emergency management and communications. As a certified medical assistant, she works in a small office for a nurse in independent practice. In her free time, she likes to go sailing whenever the opportunity arises.
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