Spreading the Message through Culture | PirateTimes
Spreading the Message Through Culture: Introducing Neals
Bryce Case Jr, known in the world of geek/nerd hip-hop as YTCracker, is releasing a full-length album (“Introducing Neals“) on 5 November 2014. It’s a concept album covering topics such as net neutrality, privacy, hacking and surveillance, all dear to a Pirate’s heart. The musical style fuses rap with cyberpunk/synthwave and is groundbreaking. YTCracker is possibly the only music artist in the world who can both speak to these technology/political topics with in-depth, first-hand knowledge and engage a broad and deep base of passionate music listeners.
I believe that the Pirate Party will benefit from getting its message out to YTCracker’s fan base, as the two groups have interests that are perfectly aligned. We intend to help the Party do just that through this music and one or two surprises I can’t disclose quite yet. I’m also convinced that the Pirate Party can reap rewards in general from using culture, music and art to propagate its message in ways not possible through traditional means and channels. Culture is so much more genuine and powerful than mere marketing. We are providing one such piece of culture and it’s our hope that others will follow, encoding the Pirate philosophy in the most interesting and beautiful of human creations. Pirates may be more receptive to this idea than those subscribing to other political philosophies.
Leading up to 5 November, YTCracker will be leaking fake newscasts from San Secuestro (the fictional city in which the album’s story takes place). These are serious and quite humorous at the same time and I think you’d enjoy them. You can find them on the Introducing Neals page on Facebook.
The world stands to benefit.
Guest Author: Juan Irming
Juan is a music composer/producer, software developer and registered California Pirate Party voter. He is interested in using music and art to communicate important issues to the world, reaching those too jaded to otherwise pay attention. More about Juan.
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Samir Allioui