PPAU delivers application to PPI Court of Arbitration | PirateTimes

    • ktetch

      Pirate Times reported after the 2014 General Assembly conference that the 2013–2014 CoA had not made any rulings.

      That is, however, not the same as ‘not received any complaints’. A formal complaint was filed to the CoA prior to the 2014 General Assembly. It has yet to be acted upon, 8 months later.

        • Samir Allioui

          CoA and Board hold way to much social overlap, an almost incestuous relationship. It would be utterly naive to expect anything good to sprout from that.

    • A clarification of my statement:

      With “greater good” I’d like the PPI members to start looking for constructive changes to build a stable organization instead of criticizing every bit they disagree on. I agree with most of the critique that PPAU has put forward but don’t see PPI (or PPAU) improving from any decision the CoA will make on this decision.

      Statutes are a mess, organization is a mess, trust from their members is a mess. How can we make PPI work efficiently on what they were once constructed to do?

    • Samir Allioui

      Usually, when people talk about “the greater good”, what they really mean is “The end justifies the means”. It’s as classic as deontological aproaches versus utilitarian aproaches, and likewise fighting symptoms versus actually solving the root of the problem.

      Concidering that PPI is one big mess, something all actors seem to agree upon, yet some people polarize the discussion by stating that PPAU is “criticizing every bit they disagree on” , which evidently is not the case, it becomes increasingly easy to jump to conclusions.
      We have a cultural problem, and it ain’t going to disapear anytime soon.

      Step one towards a solution, would be trying to get rid of people who both insist on shoving all of the problems under the carpet and at the same time assault problem solvers by stating that they are “creating PR problems”, “are trying to destroy the party” or similair old politics bullshit.