PPAU Congress: Unhappy with PPI – will they form 5 Eye Patches? | PirateTimes

    • “Five Eye Patches” (“5EP”) has already been formed as an informal group to communicate and share resources between English-speaking Pirate Parties. The advantages of that should be obvious: same language, similar cultures, similar political structures. This places the 5EP members in a unique position of being able to share written and visual materials, know how, organisational documents and expertise with minimal issues. It is not a competitor or alternative to PPI, just as PPEU is not a competitor or alternative to PPI. It serves a very basic function and consists of a mailing list and infrequent, ad hoc meetings on Mumble.

        • thanks for the clarification. We need more international cooperation. If this is within PPI or outside is less important. Looking forward to hear more about 5EP in the future!

            • Happy to clarify. ? Definitely more cooperation is useful, and communication should be encouraged regardless of the media/fora used!

    • Andrew McPherson

      5eyepatches is just an English language email list, if that can be described as some kind of threat to ppi.

        • And if PPI/others see a mailing list as a threat, there might be bigger problems that need to be addressed ?

            • Jelena Jovanovic

              The most depressing news these days come from Australia.

              What I see as a threat to pirate community as a whole, and not to PPI or any other Pirate org, is that PP AU reps are repeatedly refusing to be polite and have constructive discussions all the time as discussion grows reminding 20+ European nations how not native their English is.
              Whats next cultural difference PP AU will find as unbridgeable obstacle for international cooperation?

              Saying it out loud “ooh ooh I cannot understand you because you are not native English speaker” is very childish. It’s beyond shocking.

              Good luck with that. What’s next? “White pride Pirates” from Australia?
              And ofc mailing list is not a threat.

                • Peter Fulton

                  I don’t think unfound accusations of protests against non-English speakers is what you’re looking for. Cultural differences in dialogue comprehension is what is more evident.

                  We can understand English just fine from those who use it as a 2nd language. The problem, as outlined above, is comprehension in understanding of context. How some dialogue is understood in 1 culture can be vastly different to another. The fact that 1 side fails to understand that misunderstanding and additionally fails to acknowledge that failure is what the drama would boil down to.

                    • Jelena Jovanovic

                      the easiest way to make enemies in Europe is to complain about their “not native English”. Also, it’s the lowest level of trolling.
                      Even teenagers can do better than that ?

                    • Peter Fulton

                      Which is exactly what PPAU is not trying to suggest.