Political Differences Between the Pirate Parties | PirateTimes

    • Medeyer

      I’m a pirate form Amazon Rainforest, and here began a debate about how the pirate meta-ideology is consistent with the Amazonist ideals. In this debate we concluded that the Amazonian Pirates have a more optimistic view of the current environmental scenario, discarding the traditional emphasis on thinking green limits for our development and the problems that limit our progress, rather than the ideas and technologies that can solve them. Our “environmentalism” is “pirate” in that it aims to provide prosperity to the inhabitants of the AR through the use of technological tools and instruments, and therefore actively support the Education, Research and Development of emerging and future technologies that transform our cities into a shining model for the Nations. We recognize that there is a problem of maintenance and management of natural resources on the planet, but, as Pirates, we see the solution in the massive investment in education, science and technology, with the focal point of this response Ground Zero Ecological this recession, the Amazon. Thus, in the Amazon border advocate appreciation political, economic and technological bioregion, through reform of the Law on Royalties bio-mineral (animal, vegetable, mineral and natural gas) in the regulation of biopiracy in bioprospecting, and changes in duties intellectual property (patents genetic) knowledge of the forest, creating a true “genetic free zone” in the Amazon and seek cooperation with our pirate brothers of the Pan-Amazon, in an attempt to consolidate a “pirate transnational proposal” to the region. All these discussions were guided by the fundamental principles that guide our program in Brazil, and I think it is an example of how the pirate flag can flutter on the most diverse and varied ideas! Ahoy!

    • I have this vague idea re: The Pirate Party Policy Vacuum… and that is we should just partner with another party… in this country, The Greens… and if a question comes up on a policy that isn’t a core issue – we just say “we vote with the Green Party on this”.

      It’s a bit like liquid/fluid democracy http://liquidfeedback.org/ but without a formalised structure. We’re just up front about it… as in:

      “We have no specific interest or expertise in this area, so we defer decisions to people with whom we’re morally aligned, and who do have expertise… in this case, The Greens”.

      I imagine conservative news-sources will hate it… but it could be a good way of introducing Liquid Democracy to a large number of people, if the MSM do flip out over it.

        • This is what PPSE uses in EU but it also risks connecting the PP too tightly to a certain party.