Pirates Away From Keyboard | PirateTimes

    • It is as simple as that… you can’t be a pirate without having a brain.

      You can be anything else you wish and have the capabilities for, but not a pirate.

      And if an organization happens to be open and horizontal enough… maybe you have the temporary luck, like they have in Iceland, to start with an overwhelming majority of intelligent anarchists, but the sign of the times says ignorant infantility WILL take over the “democratic” majority… and their wishes will lead to the ignoring of statutes, codici, logic, ethic, and whatever stand in their way… getting you straight into #IDIOCRAZY™.

      A black hole you can never again get out democratically.

      I was trying to do that with the Spanish Pirate Party nonetheless… when I was hit by the same condition at the PPI General Assembly in Prague… and all the ignorance and dirty tricks that have been applied since.

      Not to speak about the intellectual health of some of the Pirate Parties I have had contact with ;(.

      Political activism is not a kiddy game.

    • Have an example…

      The COMPLETE, OFFICIAL writeup of the last General Assembly of the Spanish Pirate Party, Lorena Müller (General Secretary of the “Confederación Pirata”, of which we are still no member), and Dario Castañe (Outstanding member of Pirates de Cataluña) being two of the only 12 or 13 remaining members:

      “X Asamblea General
      (junio 22, 2015, Uncategorized)

      Acta de la X Asamblea de PIRATA
      1. La reunión tiene lugar en un local de la c. Rey Francisco 27, bajo y comienza a las 11:00.
      Asisten presencialmente — . Asisten vía Mumble —.
      De acuerdo con las decisión de la Asamblea, las votaciones comenzaron antes de la celebración de la asamblea. Para hacer las votaciones online se empleó el servicio de votación online Condorcet. Lanzó las votaciones Fergus Reig el día 19.06 a las 23:56 y se decidió que terminaran el 20:06 a las 13:00. De acuerdo con la decisión de la Asamblea, el voto, excepcionalmente, no es secreto, para facilitar el uso de un sistema online.
      2. Debido a la incomparecencia de todos los miembros de la anterior Junta Directiva en el momento de comienzo de la Asamblea no se procede al primer punto del orden del día, el informe de la Junta Directiva saliente.
      3. Se leen las presentaciones de todos los candidatos.
      4. A las 13:00 se cierran las votaciones. Los resultados fueron los siguientes: —

      Tras aplicar el método Borda geométrico truncado con base 1/3 (Art. 5a Reglamento de la Asamblea) los resultados quedan de la siguiente manera:

      Fergus Reig,5.567901
      Daniel Bonfils,2.481479
      Daniel Riaño,2.08642
      Francisco George,1.518518
      Antonio Lamana,1.481482

      Tras consultas entre todos los candidatos, la Junta Directiva queda constituida de la siguiente manera:

      Presidente: Fergus Reig
      Secretario: Daniel Bonfils
      Tesorero: Antonio Lamana
      Vocales: Daniel Riaño, Francisco George

      5. Se proclaman los resultados y se reenvían a todos los afiliados a traves de las listas de PIRATA.
      6. Se crea una comisión encargada de encontrar un local para la sede del partido, cuya dirección debe cosntar en el Registro de partidos.
      7. Se levanta la reunión a las 13:20”

      No kidding, that was all, and NOTHING relevant has happened since.


      What extremely cheap it has become to call oneself a pirate ;(.

    • Glad to see Leonardo’s reply. That’s the civilized approach Pirates must work inside and outside our structures.

      We have a lot to bring to the world.

    • Leonardo

      My reply?
      Well, I did not reply until now because seems to me that Samedokan’s comments are almost off-topic.
      I wrote an article about the need to combine “classic digital issues” with extra-digital (and -let’s say: more important) issues (in Italy, in Spain, in Iceland, everywhere); the reply was about Spanish PP’s problems.

      Anyway, there is at least one thing I am sure about: collective intelligence works, if people are given a free and independent information; and once people are informed and have made an opinion, a tool like Liquid Feedback (with the Schulze method) is the best way to find a synthesis.

    • Leonardo, when the ONE THING you are sure of… depends on one IF and one ONCE that are completely out of your control… you are sure of NOTHING.

      People are not given free and independent information, it takes an effort most are not wanting to go through to discard the rubbish.

      People are not informed about most subjects, and have no rational opinion on most of them.

      Hence, you can not use a tool like Liquid Feedback… to find a synthesis.

      What you will find through Liquid Feedback is the emotional preference of the majority. A preference biassed towards the driving force of the big majority, skewed because the less effort is needed to finally vote on things (and technically, in Liquid Feedback, one can skip EVERYTHING and go straight to the one-click voting)… the more people will show up to do that little effort (how cheap it is to think… I vote, thus I am ;( ), and because they are a very big group, and also because most people with more capabilities will already be engaged elsewhere, THEY will decide what to decide.

      Usually, this gets us into something like… someone proposing to limit each persons personal wealth to one million euros, and 99,99% of the participants voting YES… because anyway not even ONE of them will think himself potentially affected by the measure, as in never able to raise one million euros.

      Of course, not one will give the difficulties of implementation a thought… as if nobody having more than one million euros or thinking himself capable of earning it in the future will move a finger to counter such a decision.

      If you think such kind of childishness is only a problem for the Pirate Party of Spain…

      … consider the fact that the German Pirate Party (with its big monetary budget, 400.000€ last time I got a hint) decided in his last General Assembly very few little things, one of them to lower the age for membership application to a mere 14 years.