Iceland’s Pirate Party Leader Plans Risky Trip to USA | PirateTimes

    • What is the problem with her traveling there? Saying there can be little doubt that the FBI are targeting here is speculation. The article doesn’t tell us if the US authorities have made any comments regarding her status. Surely if she requests and applies for a visa any imminent threat of arrest or incarceration would be revealed?

        • Andy K

          Like Julian Assange’s grand jury…lol

    • unity100

      She should NOT do it. her work is too important at this point in time, to risk for a publicity attempt which will not sway a dedicated oppressor and the public under it. u.s. secret services have been known to be used for other means of repressing/removing dissent or political opponents even in foreign countries than plainly arresting/prosecuting. she should stick to the important work she is doing.

        • Arbed121

          Yes, quite right. Look at this article from only two days ago on how the US government went to a court ex parte to stop even the basis on which they were refusing an FOI request about FBI surveillance of Wikileaks supporters in the Wikileaks Grand Jury investigation from becoming public:

          DOJ Tells Judge WikiLeaks Investigation Details Should Remain Secret:

          One of those reasons was that the FBI already had testimony from informants in the investigation and it would cause an international furore if their identity was revealed.

    • Arbed121

      I think this is a silly move. If anything happens to her, it could actually detract from the focus being placed on the pre-trial hearings of poor Bradley Manning. If nothing happens to her (and, in my mind, that would raise BIG questions about Birgitta), the media will use that fact to say there is no possibility of onward extradition to the US from Sweden for Assange – “see, they aren’t interested in prosecuting Wikileaks personnel” – and he MUST go to Sweden. So, if you think it through, Birgitta’s not actually being supportive of Wikileaks.

      Back in July 2013 Birgitta wrote in the Guardian how she received a diplomatic message that she had nothing to fear in travelling to the US, but there were specific instructions that the message was to be passed to her only VERBALLY. Nothing in writing? Now why would the US government insist on that? Her US lawyers, the ACLU, also found a secret docket in US court filings with her name on it. They couldn’t get it unsealed. What’s it for? Witness subpoena to the Wikileaks Grand Jury would be my guess.

        • I doubt she received something in July 2013 ? On a more serious note:

          If she was detained or had problems this would give major problems with Iceland + world-wide coverage on issues. It would also put more pressure on getting her released as well as Bradley from several countries and MANY people around the world. IF no problems arise she has still reached her objective on putting the spot-light on bradley manning again. Therefore I believe it’s a very smart move to take the trip