Flattr Appreciation During December Euro 21.12 | PirateTimes

Flattr Appreciation During December Euro 21.12
In December we had 47 things flattred by 15 unique users. In total we were flattred 103 times this month and received Euro 21.12 in support for our work. Our total current account balance is 96.88 Euros and we’re discussing how to invest the money. One idea is sending a small physical piece of appreciation to our team-members to make everyone more motivated as well as have something that connects our global team working to bring you Pirate Times. Two other projects under way that might need some money is a pod-casting project and a translation project of our articles into firstly Spanish and French. Either way the flattr support will come to good use! Thanks a lot for backing us!
The Flattr donations are very appreciated and motivate us to write more content! Thanks for your support!
Flattr is a microdonation service that allows you to give a small amount of money each month to content you would like to give support. It can be compared to a “facebook super-like” with money attached. Users act like patrons of work or people they want to support and ”many small streams” adds up to something larger.
Name: Pirate Times
Period: 201212
Featured image: CC BY-SA Flattr.com

About Josef Ohlsson Collentine
I’m a dual citizen (American/Swede) and try to integrate my reflections from a more global perspective if possible. I’m the organizational leader for Pirate Times and work actively to strengthen the pirate movement through this work as well as being the international contact for Piratpartiet (PPSE). Elected board member of PPSE for 2015-2018.
If you would like to ask me something I speak English, Swedish and Spanish. Find me on the links below
All content is CC-BY if not mentioned otherwise. Please link back to us if using content.
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