Dutch Pirate Party attacked in hacking incident | PirateTimes

    • Samir Allioui

      “stolen” “Hacking Incident” PPNL that I once held so dear simply got what it deserved.

        • dungeonlight

          I generally appreciate that you strongly disapprove of that data can be stolen, as it implicitely cultivates the notion of “intellectual property” (sic!), but there is an exception regarding that, and it’s just the case here:
          Here it’s not about any creative works, but about identity data, with which you can act as if you are someone else, and that, indeed, it theft.
          So short:
          Notion that copying creative works is theft = bullshit
          Notion that grabbing identities is theft = legit

        • why? Some information should be considered sensitive in order to do efficient work. Complete transparency of everything generally inhibits people from doing work…