Happy Birthday Pirate Parties International!

Happy Birthday Pirate Parties International!

We are delighted to share that this weekend marks 11 years since the founding of Pirate Parties International! A little bit about the history: After the founding of Piratpartiet in Sweden on January 1, 2006, other pirate parties emerged throughout Europe, and later worldwide. In the same year, a loose network of these parties was formed. In June 2007, representatives of the pirate parties of […]

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Senate Elections In The Czech Republic – A Success For The Pirates

Senate Elections In The Czech Republic – A Success For The Pirates

The Pirates became the third strongest party in the last parliamentary elections in 2017 with 10.79% (second place after the ODS with 11.32% and ANO, which won the election with 29.64%). In the regional elections the now Pirates came second (with 12.02%), ANO remained the strongest party with 21.82% (the third ODS came only to 6.96%, the mayor’s party STAN came fourth with 6.04%). In […]

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