2012 December | PirateTimes

Pirates are Implementing the Experience of Human Knowledge December 30, 2012 · by Stathis Leivaditis · in Pirate Topic The English “Pirate” is derived from the Greek word “πειρατής” (peiratēs) and this in turn from the verb “πειράομαι” (peiráomai), “I attempt”, which is a derivative of the noun “πείρα” (peîra), “experience”. Pirate indicates the investigator, the tester, is a key word for humanity and characterizes […]

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2012 | PirateTimes

Pirates are Implementing the Experience of Human Knowledge December 30, 2012 · by Stathis Leivaditis · in Pirate Topic The English “Pirate” is derived from the Greek word “πειρατής” (peiratēs) and this in turn from the verb “πειράομαι” (peiráomai), “I attempt”, which is a derivative of the noun “πείρα” (peîra), “experience”. Pirate indicates the investigator, the tester, is a key word for humanity and characterizes […]

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2012 December | PirateTimes – Part 2

Hipsters vs Pirates. Is there a difference? December 6, 2012 · by Anouk Neeteson · in Guest Opinion Hipsters were born from the counter-culture. In the past decade the hipster movement has grown and has gradually moved from periphery into the mainstream of society. When punk became plastic and the hip hop lost their momentum for social change, the remaining counter-cultures merged together into a […]

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Pirates are Practicing the Experiment of Human Knowledge | PirateTimes

Pirates are Implementing the Experience of Human Knowledge December 30, 2012 · by Stathis Leivaditis · in Pirate Topic The English “Pirate” is derived from the Greek word “πειρατής” (peiratēs) and this in turn from the verb “πειράομαι” (peiráomai), “I attempt”, which is a derivative of the noun “πείρα” (peîra), “experience”. Pirate indicates the investigator, the tester, is a key word for humanity and characterizes […]

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Restructuring the Belgian Pirate Party | PirateTimes

Restructuring the Belgian Pirate Party December 27, 2012 · by Koen De Voegt · in General Assembly On Saturday 22 December 2012 members of the Belgian Pirate Party met up for an extraordinary general assembly (EGA). This gathering was held in the Wallonian student city of Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve. This location was a symbolic choice, during the communal elections of 14 October the party reached 5.16%, its […]

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Pirate Party Norway has 5000 Signatures Next Step Parliament | PirateTimes

Pirate Party Norway has 5000 Signatures, Parliament Next Step December 19, 2012 · by Josef Ohlsson Collentine · in Pirate Party News On Sunday 16 December 2012 the Pirate Party of Norway managed to reach the 5000 signatures, the amount required to form a political party in Norway. Their next goal is to enter the Norwegian Parliament during the 2013 elections. As we wrote earlier […]

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Pirate Party Charges Banks for WikiLeaks Boycott | PirateTimes

Pirate Party Charges Banks for WikiLeaks Boycott December 18, 2012 · by Dominic Guhl · in Pirate Party News, Pirate Topic The Swedish Pirate Party is pressing charges against banks in Sweden for presumed acts of discrimination against WikiLeaks. The WikiLeaks organisation has been declined receiving donations by several payment providers since 2010. In 2010, donations to WikiLeaks have been blocked by several financial institutes, […]

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Young Pirates Confer on Mental Health and Labour Politics | PirateTimes

Swedish Young Pirates Confer on Mental Health and Labour Politics December 16, 2012 · by Anton Nordenfur · in Conference In mid-November 2012, around fifty Young Pirates came to the Swedish town of Norrköping for a two-day political conference with focus on mental health and labour market politics. Labour politics discussion, Young Pirates president Gustav Nipe speaking. CC BY-NC-SA Jonathan Rieder Lundkvist. The youth organization […]

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Slovenia: Protests against corrupt politicians continue | PirateTimes

Slovenia: Protests against corrupt politicians continue December 15, 2012 · by Matic Urbanija · in Pirate Topic We have already reported about unrests in Slovenia (Corruption and Lack of Transparency Led to Unrest in Slovenia) and the corrupt practices of Franc Kangler, mayor of city of Maribor. The good news is that the mayor has announced his resignation and that protests against corruption have spread […]

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Pirate Times Wins “Pirate Blogger of the Year” Award | PirateTimes

Pirate Times wins the “Pirate Blogger of the Year” award December 15, 2012 · by Anton Nordenfur · in Inside Pirate Times On a recent event arranged by the East Sweden chapter of Young Pirates, Pirate Times has been awarded the “Pirate Blogger of the Year” prize. This news site launched at first in August this year, but has already reached a great number of […]

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