Young Pirates SE Want to Introduce Mass Immigration and Form Nordic Federal State | PirateTimes

    • As a pirate party, dont even go into this debate… u are more fucked then C if u go there…..

    • Emse1

      Thank for letting us know where you´re standing in this question about immigration. I will now spread this information everywhere so that my swedish friends realize what they , so far, have voting for so that they can stop doing that and choose a party which will not let even more immigrants pouring in across our borders.We already have huge problem with criminals, we are the 2nd biggest country in the rapestatistic in the world,
      mass unemployment, homelessness and so on and so on.We close down homes for our oldies and open asylum lodging instead, we have huge problem to get important suregery and other medical treatment,we have to wait for years cuz the resourses is taken to all immigrants as well as to the illegal folks which have free amont to our health care, dentists as well as schoolö for the illegal children meanwhile the swed cant afford their own needs and still they pay for all this. Sweden pay for the drivinglicence for immigrants meanwhile our own teens have to pay fullprice IF they can afford it, immigrants goes first in the apartmentline meanwhile the sweds have to live at home by their parents for a lots of years. Swedish children have to work for good results in school meanwhile immigrant now should be able to go in scholl gymnasial level without any sort of ratings, we raise the retirement age to 70 years ( someone have to pay for the total irresponsible immigration) this and much more…NO WAY you got my vote! NO WAY!

    • Chaos_Engine

      Where is this insanity coming from? Having supported PP since the beginning, I’m very worried now about its future. PP for me was clever, free thinking individuals that I could relate to. Now this has transformed into a ugly soup of extreme liberal ideals. So extreme it is not free or clever thinking anymore.

    • kalle008

      Idiots. Gå tillbaka till era ursprungliga idéer frihet på nätet osv. Det var inte bra, det heller, men bättre.
      That was stupid, too, but not as bad as today´s message.

    • Owe Trudell

      Ytterligare ett ungdomsparti som är intelligensbefriat. Är det en farsot som går? Sjukt är det. Arma Sverige när dessa ungdomar längre fram i tiden får beslutande positioner i samhället.

    • Pluto71

      Goodbye PP, membership terminated.

    • Emil Kirkegaard

      The Swedish pirates seem to be out of touch with reality, similar to the other swedish politicians, regarding immigration. This will surely cost them a lot of votes if the main party adopts this policy as well. I hope not.