Why Icelandic Elections Are More Important Than American | PirateTimes

    • Andreas Kyriacou

      “most northern country of Europe”? Do you need a map?

    • pyrophilia

      I would have said because it will effect the governance of the internet which at this point globally interconnects our commence system.

    • Colleen Pater

      thats a laugh from the 60s how the “man” has it rigged. the reality is leftism has been running the world for well since the overthrow by cromwell and the american revolution followed by the french and russian and its been downhill from there. because equality and freedom are opposites there is no equality in the wild all men are neither created nor equal. equality is produced by force of democratic arms against the stronger smarter more hard working by the stupid weak lazy masses who want something from nothing and leftism tells them they neednt be ashamed up their jealousy and thefts.
      reading a bit here and elsewhere I see Iceland is a very cucked feminized leftist society. let me warm you you had better find your inner viking again non whites are emboldened by the weakness of western nations liberalism is a white thing other races have no delusions about equality they only get the prime directive survival of the fittest