What is happening in the Pirate Party of Germany? | PirateTimes

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    • Jonas De Koning

      Good article, but “neoliberal” is considered somewhat of a derogatory term and is rarely used in political science. Economical liberalism or laissez-faire or capitalist is preferred.

    • Μανος Ραγιαδακος

      There is only one solution … follow the technology ! . Create a technology that destroy a political agenda. For example bitcoin destroy social-democracy and fascism (or any other political agenda that wants to tax people) but does not destroy anarchist, neo-liberalist and communist agendas.
      You can destroy any political agenda that wants bureaucracy by creating a central or p2p technology that will replace bureaucracy (I have an idea on that)

      But most of all … follow the technology as the solution to politics!

        • Anton Nordenfur

          Wait, which brand of communism is without taxation?

    • Felix Coeln

      thx for Your opinion – I share most points with You

      my biggest concern is to find methods (not necessarily technology) with whom we can process the developement of new ideas and new policies

    • Hildegard Kreis

      A typical view from the far left. Putting a spin on the lies of Anne Helm and her worship of violence.

      And of course “forgetting” that another member of the far left of the party
      threw something like a Molotov Cocktail against the Russian embassy.

      Well, we in Germany have come to expect such revisionism by you in the far left.
      If the Pirate Party you want is one of revisionism, hiding the truth and telling outright lies, count me out.

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    • Walter

      RAF started the bomb war ! British bombers attacked German towns during night from May 1940 on. First victim was Moenchengladbach. My mother had luck but people in a house nearby died. “Moral bombing” was a prewar project. It was no reaction to German bombings. Aim was the killing of at least 1 million civilians so it’s definitely a war crime!

    • Nephthys

      Radical leftists are veterans of sectarian factional politics. Your party has been taken out and your brand resolutely tarnished in Germany.

      Your fault really for flirting with Trotskyite loonies. Having them as members will be forgiven but running them as candidates cannot. You asked for it. lol


  • I joined the Pirate Party of Lower Saxony in Germany in April 2012, once I found out that non citizens were welcome to join and become active members of the Party. I joined the Pirate Times soon after it was started as a proof reader and am now an editor and author. Since then I have returned to my native New Zealand and joined the Pirate Party of New Zealand. Politically I come from the libertarian left and have, up to now, not regarded any political party as having a solution for the democratic deficit that envelops the world. With the advent of the Pirate Party, which truly embraces grass roots democracy, I have found a political home. The Pirate Times is a way I can contribute to furthering the Pirate Movement around the world.

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