Trainee Position with Julia Reda in the European Parliament | PirateTimes
Trainee Position with Julia Reda in the European Parliament
After the latest European Elections Julia Reda from the German ‘Piratenpartei’ (PPDE) was elected as an MEP for the period of 2014-2019. She is now looking to expand her staff with a trainee for a three to six month position starting from the beginning of September. The deadline for applying for the trainee position in the European Parliament is this coming Friday, August 15th.
As a trainee you will be called upon to perform a multitude of tasks including:
-Supporting the assistants in their respective fields of expertise. This may include policy research, event organisation, social media community management, communication and meetings. The main focus of the policy work will be the upcoming copyright reform.
-Assisting with the day-to-day management of the office. You will be trained to handle administrative, procurement and accounting tasks on your own.
The trainee is expected to work irregular working hours with a varying amount of work and to tight deadlines. Therefore it is essential for the candidate to be able to perform under pressure, with great flexibility and adaptability.
-Studies or experiences in fields relevant to the position
-A general understanding of the European Union and the European Parliament
-Fluent in English (Fluency in German, French and other languages is an asset)
-An understanding of the core values of the Pirate movement
More information about the job offer and how to apply can be found on Julia Reda’s homepage
Featured image: CC-BY, Greens/EFA
About Josef Ohlsson Collentine
I’m a dual citizen (American/Swede) and try to integrate my reflections from a more global perspective if possible. I’m the organizational leader for Pirate Times and work actively to strengthen the pirate movement through this work as well as being the international contact for Piratpartiet (PPSE). Elected board member of PPSE for 2015-2018.
If you would like to ask me something I speak English, Swedish and Spanish. Find me on the links below
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