The Pirate Party World 2012, countries with Pirate Parties | PirateTimes

    • Please comment with eventual errors or corrections here and they will be updated for the next version.

      Estonia is not a registered party.
      Hungary is a registered party.

    • DarthSquig

      PPCH and PPLU atre not registered, as the definition of ‘party’ in both countries differs somewhat to most other countries. They can only be registered parties if they make it into national parliament. Somewhat technical comment, I know.
      Also, PPCH lacks the German name (‘Piratenpartei Schweiz’). and the international URL is

    • raypay

      No pirate party in somalia?

        • not yet. Still waiting for a “real pirate party” from there ?

    • Also Italy is conflicted with multiple parties as well.

        • can you provide name,fb,twitter,contact on other parties if you have access to them?

    • archjb

      Pirate Party Norway is now also a registered party, running for government election this year.

        • yep confimation yesterday from their government I saw. ?

          Will be added to next version

    • Emil Kirkegaard

      PPDK var active during November 2012 on their social media sites. The website is undergoing reform, but we occasionally post updates there as well, also during 2012.

      Source: Me, I’m a board member.

        • had to divide parties somewhere. We decided to count parties as active if they had been talking to people in 2/3 channels (fb,website,twitter) in last 30 days. Thus the ‘active’ part is mostly reflecting how publically information is shared. I know that a lot is happening in Denmark right now and hope to see many news from you in future ?

    • Anton Nordenfur

      Africa looks so lonely. ?
