Thinktwice | PirateTimes
Call for Papers for the 2nd Think Twice Conference in Turkey
After the success of the first Think Twice Conference held in Frankfurt, Germany, where 37 speakers from 14 countries took part, Pirate Parties International are planning their second Conference in Istanbul, Turkey on 30 – 31th August 2014. The aim…
ThinkTwice – A Conference That Formed Connections
The ThinkTwice Conference was PPI’s first outside of their regular general assembly. This allowed them to focus purely on strengthening the bonds within the Pirate movement. The conference was organized to “bridge Pirates, NGO’s and Academics”. There were not many…
The Buddhist Pirate
Last weekend pirates gathered at the “Think Twice 2014” Conference in Frankfurt. I was there to present the agoravoting project and to get a better understanding of what the hell this pirate movement is about. I have been involved less…
PPI’s Thinktwice Conference – AFK but Streamed Live
PPI’s first international conference, outside their annual meetings, has been named the “ThinkTwice” conference and will take place this weekend (21-22 February) in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The motto of the conference is “Away from Keyboard” and the aim with…
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