PPDE | PirateTimes

The General Assembly 2016 of Pirate Parties International
Since January I was busy on several levels in organizing the general assembly together with some Pirates: Jessica Zinn from Berlin (Germany), Jelena Jovanovic from Belgrade (Serbia) and former Chairman of PPI, Andrew Reitemeyer from Pongaroa (New Zealand). We were…

Let’s take over Berlin! PPI GA, Elections and Turning 10!
If you have dreamed about an European summer tour this year might be the best possible moment for a pirate to discover Berlin and its attractions. Starting from summer, the annual meeting of Pirate Parties International will take place in Berlin,…

Court Case says that IP Addresses are Personal Data
Patrick Breyer from the Pirate Party Germany sued the German government for logging all visits to government websites (Case C-582/14). He believes that there should be a right to surf the Internet anonymously if wished. Website owners track user activity on…

Protest in Berlin Against Death of Free Speech
Bruno Kramm, leader of the Berlin branch of the Pirate Party of Germany, was arrested last Friday. Kramm now faces prosecution under section 103 of the German criminal code for ‘insulting’ Turkish President, Recep Erdoğan. Despite the pending prosecution he is already preparing…

Head of Berlin Pirate Party Jailed Over Erdogan Protest
This post is also available in Russian. Bruno Kramm, the head of the Berlin branch of Germany’s Pirate Party, was arrested yesterday for ‘insulting a representative of a foreign state’. During a protest he had quoted a satirical poem by…

Xenophobia Overshadowed the State Elections in Germany
This past Sunday (March 13th), there were local elections in three states of Germany: Baden Witterburg, Saxony-Anhalt and Rhineland-Palatinate. The Pirate Party of Germany (PPDE) did not manage to gather enough signatures to participate in Saxony-Anhalt. In Baden-Württemberg they achieved…

Crucial state elections for the German Pirates
The Pirate Party of Germany (PPDE) and the Pirate movement as a whole, will be experiencing the first of many election tests in 2016 and the coming year 2017. The first was in Hessen last Sunday 6 March 2016. In…

German Pirates went to the European Court for Free Wi-Fi
In many countries around the world, it is just as easy to access a free Wi-Fi network in a public space as it is to order a cup of coffee. But in Germany, free wireless networks are in short supply….

The First PPEU Council Meeting: Moving Right Along
This past weekend the PPEU meeting took place in Brussels. This was the first ordinary Council Meeting (General Assembly) of the organization and the main topic was the election of the new board. The founding conference for the European Pirates…

In A True Democracy Referenda Should Be The Rule Not The Exception
A crucial referendum will be held in Greece this coming Sunday, 5 July 2015. Greeks have to decide whether they accept the proposal of the institutions (ex-troika). Alexis Tsipras, prime minister of Greece, called people to vote “no” by saying…
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