Denis Simonet | PirateTimes

The General Assembly 2016 of Pirate Parties International
Since January I was busy on several levels in organizing the general assembly together with some Pirates: Jessica Zinn from Berlin (Germany), Jelena Jovanovic from Belgrade (Serbia) and former Chairman of PPI, Andrew Reitemeyer from Pongaroa (New Zealand). We were…

Election Results for Pirate Party of Switzerland: 0.94% of total ballots
Last Sunday, 18 October, national elections were held in Switzerland. The pirates did well, receiving 82,635 votes in total—0.94% of ballots cast. The turnout for the election was 49.99%. Before the election took place the Pirate Party of Switzerland attempted…

PPI’s New Board Carries Hopes and a Big Weight
Despite some facts that burdened the atmosphere of the general assembly, data and numbers show that PPI continues to inspire and attract Pirates worldwide. PPI accepted 14 new members, increasing the number of Pirate Parties in PPI to 42 countries . They also accepted a further six observer members, elected a new board and voted on some statute changes.

The Progress of the PPI Board After 122 Days of Work
The PPI board has now served one third of their elected time and it is a good time to summarize what they have accomplished. This might also be a good opportunity to give the board praise for accomplished tasks as…
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