The first General Assembly of the Polish Pirate Party | PirateTimes
The first General Assembly of the Polish Pirate Party
On 18 May 2013 the new Polish Pirate Party had its first General Assembly. The party was founded last year after the previous one was dissolved by a court order in 2009, the new party was created by many of the people involved in the first one and it is considered a second incarnation of the same party. Up to this Saturday the party had been lead by the temporary board – this General Assembly is marked in the history as the first event that allowed members of the new party to gather all together, express their views and democratically determine the direction of the party’s future. Just before the gathering was opened, one new membership declaration was delivered and then quickly accepted by the temporary board increasing the party members count to 17, later after the assembly 3 of the observers also joined the party – so the current count is 20.
The proceedings had a very good pace and went on with unanimity on most matters. The following new party officials were elected:
- President – Radek Pietroń
- Vice Presidents – Piotr Roszatycki, Tomasz Słowiński and yours truly Zbigniew Łukasiak
- Tresurer – Szymon Kubisiak
- Members of Peer Court – Błażej Kaczorowski, Władysław Majewski and Marcin Staryczenko
Then the assembly voted in a few changes to the statutes – nothing substantial, just removing some logical mistakes. It was also agreed that the party is not ready to vote on program proposals and that was postponed to the next General Assembly and the new board was obliged to organize this GA before the end of this year.
The gathering organized a few project groups to tackle needed statutes changes, technical matters, international coordination, cooperation with other organizations and media education. It was also discussed to support the project Polska bez PIT that aims for simplifying the Polish tax mechanism and getting rid of individual taxes declarations – but it was decided that this matter needs more discussion that can happen at the assembly and the task of organizing it was delegated to a new project group. Finally the assembly agreed to adopt a resolution supporting the project which provides use cannabis for medical purposes and also set up a team to proceed on this case.
After the official part of the meeting was closed the party members proceeded to a local bar to discuss the matters further.
Featured Image PPPL CC BY-SA
About Zbigniew Łukasiak
I am a 40 years old programmer from Poland. I am fascinated (and scared) by the way Internet changes our societies and I want to take a part in that. I believe the changes has only just begun and they will be deep. I have a degree in Computing Science – but I read a lot on psychology, sociology and other other related subjects. I am agnostic or even atheist but I am fascinated by Rene Girard. I am a Free and Open Source Software passionate ( and I joined Interenet Society Poland when there was a Free Software chapter, and I stayed there while ISOC Poland fighted the patent directive and retency laws in the European Parliament. I have been involved in reinstaing the Polish Pirate Party. Pollitically I am maybe close to libertarians – but I am not a dogmatic and I also believe that our new ways of communicating and working will also require new politics. I speak fluently in Polish and English and I can communicate in Russian and French and know a bit of Spanish. I joined your list mostly to look around – I am not a professional writer – but I am very interested in working on the Pirate pollitical dogma and I think this needs to be done internationally.
I have three blogs: (general) (programming related) (pirate related, in Polish)
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