Lower Saxony Pirates Fail to Gain Seats in State Parliament | PirateTimes
Lower Saxony Pirates Fail to Gain Seats in State Parliament
Hundreds of Lower Saxony Pirates, together with Pirates from other Germans states and many from at least 14 other countries, gathered in Hanover to watch the results come in. As stated in our earlier article, the polls were showing 3-4% of the conservative leaning Lower Saxon voters were intending to vote Pirate.This was down from the 8% in May 2012 but hearts were hopeful. Pirate faces dropped in disbelief and tears began to flow as the first estimates gave the Pirate Party a mere 1.8%. As the results came in their share of the vote rose to 2.1% but not enough to pass the 5% hurdle that guarantees parliamentary seats.
The run of victories, enjoyed by the regional Pirate Parties in Germany had been stopped or at least slowed. The reasons why can be varied and many and it is important that those Pirates of the regional and national Parties look into what happened in a scientific, unbiased and transparent way as possible, so that Pirates in Germany and the rest of the world can learn from this experience.
The voter participation was, despite the biting cold, about average for Lower Saxony at 57.1%. The result was a very narrow defeat by the ruling Conservative–Liberal coalition by the combined efforts of the Socialists and the Greens. Tactical voting on both sides was in evidence and it will be interesting to see if that squeezed the Pirate vote, as well as the far Left Party, which lost all its seats in the state legislature. We will have to wait until late September of this year to see what effect this will have on the national elections.
The shock of the moment wore off as the crowd realized that for their first ever election this result was not bad at all! Many Pirate Parties would give up their right legs not to be listed in the “others” groups but have their own column in the televised graphics. Also the Pirate vote hardened to 2.1% which means they would be entitled to substantially more government financial assistance and to ensure campaign funding for future elections. The tears dried and the beer flowed allowing the Pirates to party long into the night.
Featured image: CC BY-SA Pirate Times
About Andrew Reitemeyer
I joined the Pirate Party of Lower Saxony in Germany in April 2012, once I found out that non citizens were welcome to join and become active members of the Party.
I joined the Pirate Times soon after it was started as a proof reader and am now an editor and author. Since then I have returned to my native New Zealand and joined the Pirate Party of New Zealand.
Politically I come from the libertarian left and have, up to now, not regarded any political party as having a solution for the democratic deficit that envelops the world. With the advent of the Pirate Party, which truly embraces grass roots democracy, I have found a political home. The Pirate Times is a way I can contribute to furthering the Pirate Movement around the world.
Skype: frithogar
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Gary Watts