Pirate Party of Lower Saxony Fighting to make it into State Parliament | PirateTimes

Pirate Party of Lower Saxony Fighting to make it into State Parliament
Regardless, the 3-4 % in the latest polls serve as a motivator for Pirates from all over Germany and beyond to go on the streets of Lower Saxony this Saturday and convince the Lower Saxon populace to vote Pirate and contribute to a fundamental change in Germany’s political landscape. Follow @piratetimes on twitter on Sunday for updates on the latest results.Featured image Ideenkopierer.de CC BY-NC-SA

About Justus Römeth
I am a pirate from Hanover, Germany, interested in international networking. I think that Pirate Times is one important step to be able to better spread information on the Pirate Parties around internationally, and I hope I can contribute to that as an author and by trying to connect people interested in these topics. I will also manage the Facebook account together with Andrew.
As far as my background is concerned, I have lived in Athol, MA, for half a year during high school, did my BA at the universities of Amsterdam and Prague, and am finishing my MA degree in Euroculture at the universities of Cracow and Göttingen. I am also active with the Young Pirates of Hanover, Pirates without Borders, and the Europa Pirate Thinktank Hanover. I have been a member of Pirate Party Germany since 2009.
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