Patrick Schiffer | | PirateTimes – Part 2

Dutch Pirates Elect New Core Team
Over 60 Pirates attended the annual meeting of the Pirate Party of the Netherlands on 25 November 2012. They elected members to their “Core Team” and although some positions remained vacant they developed a way to enable people who, although not gaining enough votes to gain a position, if they got a simple majority they could become reserve board members. They also reinvigorated the party’s commitment to the Uppsala Declaration and further strengthened the democratic principle with structure changes.

About Patrick Schiffer
I am living in Duesseldorf, Germany and I am a Member of the Pirate Party since March 2012. I’ve studied Arts & Visual Communication at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands. I speak german, english, french and dutch fluently. I am interested in developing & spreading the ideas coming out of and getting into the Pirate movement worldwide. For that, I think this international newsletter is a great thing. And I’d love to work & communicate with pirates from different countries all over the world so that I would like to help and contribute by spreading news, commenting, making graphics, writing & lectorating for Pirate Times. I am active in several working groups in Germany and in co-coordinating the founding of the PP EU.

German Pirates pull through on issues despite struggle with formalities
Last weekend, the Pirate Party of Germany held their second federal party convention of 2012 in the Ruhr city of Bochum, Northrhine Westphalia. Over 2000 registered Pirates from all over the country came to discuss and vote on motions for the party manifesto. The party’s working groups had improved upon the motion texts tirelessly for months – through late-night teleconferencing sessions via Mumble, the primary working mode of PPDE, as well as on several face-to-face meetings, like EuWiKon earlier this year. Compared to earlier Pirate conventions, the agenda was quickly agreed upon. After that, however, progress became increasingly slower.

About Patrick Schiffer
I am living in Duesseldorf, Germany and I am a Member of the Pirate Party since March 2012. I’ve studied Arts & Visual Communication at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands. I speak german, english, french and dutch fluently. I am interested in developing & spreading the ideas coming out of and getting into the Pirate movement worldwide. For that, I think this international newsletter is a great thing. And I’d love to work & communicate with pirates from different countries all over the world so that I would like to help and contribute by spreading news, commenting, making graphics, writing & lectorating for Pirate Times. I am active in several working groups in Germany and in co-coordinating the founding of the PP EU.

Controversial poster campaign of the Lower Saxon Pirates
At a press conference today at 11:00 CET the Pirate Party Lower Saxony [1] released their election program, their election video spot as well as their poster campaign to the participants of the press conference. It was held at Kulturzentrum Faust e.V., and had about 60 guests in attendance, among them a lot of press representatives.

About Justus Römeth
I am a pirate from Hanover, Germany, interested in international networking. I think that Pirate Times is one important step to be able to better spread information on the Pirate Parties around internationally, and I hope I can contribute to that as an author and by trying to connect people interested in these topics. I will also manage the Facebook account together with Andrew.
As far as my background is concerned, I have lived in Athol, MA, for half a year during high school, did my BA at the universities of Amsterdam and Prague, and am finishing my MA degree in Euroculture at the universities of Cracow and Göttingen. I am also active with the Young Pirates of Hanover, Pirates without Borders, and the Europa Pirate Thinktank Hanover. I have been a member of Pirate Party Germany since 2009.

First time elections for the Galician Pirates
The Galician Pirates elections as political party for the first time declaring system of political parties not work in the twenty-first century society and change it to hack the laws and our goals direct democracy full transparency.”

About Patrick Schiffer
I am living in Duesseldorf, Germany and I am a Member of the Pirate Party since March 2012. I’ve studied Arts & Visual Communication at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands. I speak german, english, french and dutch fluently. I am interested in developing & spreading the ideas coming out of and getting into the Pirate movement worldwide. For that, I think this international newsletter is a great thing. And I’d love to work & communicate with pirates from different countries all over the world so that I would like to help and contribute by spreading news, commenting, making graphics, writing & lectorating for Pirate Times. I am active in several working groups in Germany and in co-coordinating the founding of the PP EU.

Regional and municipal elections in Belgium
Tomorrow, on the 14th October 2012 the regional and municipal elections are taking place in Belgium, which has compulsory voting for every citizen from 18 years of age. Legal sanctions still exist, but they haven’t been enforced by prosecutors since 2003.

About Patrick Schiffer
I am living in Duesseldorf, Germany and I am a Member of the Pirate Party since March 2012. I’ve studied Arts & Visual Communication at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands. I speak german, english, french and dutch fluently. I am interested in developing & spreading the ideas coming out of and getting into the Pirate movement worldwide. For that, I think this international newsletter is a great thing. And I’d love to work & communicate with pirates from different countries all over the world so that I would like to help and contribute by spreading news, commenting, making graphics, writing & lectorating for Pirate Times. I am active in several working groups in Germany and in co-coordinating the founding of the PP EU.

Interview with Dirk Poot, first candidate of the Dutch Pirate Party
Dirk Poot was the first candidate of the Dutch Pirate Party for the past parliamentary elections on 12 September 2012. He is the press spokesperson and a member of the Board of PPNL. Even though the Pirates did not make…

About Patrick Schiffer
I am living in Duesseldorf, Germany and I am a Member of the Pirate Party since March 2012. I’ve studied Arts & Visual Communication at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands. I speak german, english, french and dutch fluently. I am interested in developing & spreading the ideas coming out of and getting into the Pirate movement worldwide. For that, I think this international newsletter is a great thing. And I’d love to work & communicate with pirates from different countries all over the world so that I would like to help and contribute by spreading news, commenting, making graphics, writing & lectorating for Pirate Times. I am active in several working groups in Germany and in co-coordinating the founding of the PP EU.
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