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About Andrew Reitemeyer
I joined the Pirate Party of Lower Saxony in Germany in April 2012, once I found out that non citizens were welcome to join and become active members of the Party.
I joined the Pirate Times soon after it was started as a proof reader and am now an editor and author. Since then I have returned to my native New Zealand and joined the Pirate Party of New Zealand.
Politically I come from the libertarian left and have, up to now, not regarded any political party as having a solution for the democratic deficit that envelops the world. With the advent of the Pirate Party, which truly embraces grass roots democracy, I have found a political home. The Pirate Times is a way I can contribute to furthering the Pirate Movement around the world.
Skype: frithogar

About Bjorn Thor Johannesson

About Josef Ohlsson Collentine
I’m a dual citizen (American/Swede) and try to integrate my reflections from a more global perspective if possible. I’m the organizational leader for Pirate Times and work actively to strengthen the pirate movement through this work as well as being the international contact for Piratpartiet (PPSE). Elected board member of PPSE for 2015-2018.
If you would like to ask me something I speak English, Swedish and Spanish. Find me on the links below

About Daniel Ebbert
I’m a pirate from Germany but I live in the Netherlands to study there when I’m not travelling, which happens quite often. I’m a member of the Pirate Party Germany since 2009 and of the Pirate Party of the Netherlands since 2012.
Picture: CC-BY 3.0 Tobias M. Eckrich

About Dominic Guhl
I am the interim webmaster of PirateTimes. Born and currently residing in Berlin, Germany, I’m not only interested in transparency in politics, open data and human rights, but also in peaceful, constructive and prospering cooperation between people. I joined the PirateTimes team for the purpose of working together with pirates from all different places and to learn how to encounter people from different cultural backgrounds.

About Justus Römeth
I am a pirate from Hanover, Germany, interested in international networking. I think that Pirate Times is one important step to be able to better spread information on the Pirate Parties around internationally, and I hope I can contribute to that as an author and by trying to connect people interested in these topics. I will also manage the Facebook account together with Andrew.
As far as my background is concerned, I have lived in Athol, MA, for half a year during high school, did my BA at the universities of Amsterdam and Prague, and am finishing my MA degree in Euroculture at the universities of Cracow and Göttingen. I am also active with the Young Pirates of Hanover, Pirates without Borders, and the Europa Pirate Thinktank Hanover. I have been a member of Pirate Party Germany since 2009.

About Koen De Voegt
I’m a 34 year old electronics engineer from Antwerp, Belgium. I joined the Belgian Pirate Party in October of 2011. Around that time I was one of the first members of the Ghent branch. In January 2012 I founded the local branch of the PP in the city and province of Antwerp. I’m also travelling to international PP meetings, sometimes as delegate. I find the international nature of the pirate movement one of its great strengths to focus more on this I’ve successfully ran for co-chairperson of PPI.
About Lisa
Lisa is very passionate about several traditional pirate themes such as freedom of information, human rights and privacy, but also about less traditional ones that are based on her beliefs about sexuality, gender and relationships. She identifies as a wannabee nerd, an activist, a feminist and a gamer, but tries to balance all of those interests rather than allowing them to define her. Her role in the Pirate Times team revolves around managing workflow processes, documentation and managing the IT team.

About Patrick Schiffer
I am living in Duesseldorf, Germany and I am a Member of the Pirate Party since March 2012. I’ve studied Arts & Visual Communication at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands. I speak german, english, french and dutch fluently. I am interested in developing & spreading the ideas coming out of and getting into the Pirate movement worldwide. For that, I think this international newsletter is a great thing. And I’d love to work & communicate with pirates from different countries all over the world so that I would like to help and contribute by spreading news, commenting, making graphics, writing & lectorating for Pirate Times. I am active in several working groups in Germany and in co-coordinating the founding of the PP EU.

About Dalibor Dokmanovic

About Wolfgang Preiss

About Alexis “z1tor” G.
Hi, i’m a french law & economics student in University.
I am interested by photography, open-source softwares (BSD user) and politics, i’ve translate some articles for LQDN and Framasoft.
I (co)lead the French section with Florian “Otourly” as translator and proofreader.

About Florian Farge
I am a pirate from France, in the Rhône-Alpes section of the Parti Pirate (PPFR).
I am translator and proofreader of the French version of Pirate Times.

About Lorena Müller
I’m an Italian-Argentinean citizen living in Madrid, Spain since 2002. I’m
photographer, social media and IT consultant. I’m 15M (Indignados) activist.
I joined the Pirate movement in 2013 as an active member, working on amendments for the last European elections’ Common European Pirate Program and managing our social networks.
Currently I’m also the Confederación Pirata chairwoman.
I believe in liquid democracy, active participation in public life and left wing ideology. I’m feminist, antifascist and pirate.
Without Human Rights there is not any Democracy.

About Marianne Díaz Hernández
I’m a lawyer, writer and activist from Venezuela. I care about the issues of freedom of speech, access to information and digital rights. I also write fiction and drink lots of coffee.

About Stathis Leivaditis
The English “pirate” is derived from the Greek word “πειρατής” (peiratēs) and this in turn from the verb “πειράομαι” (peiráomai), “I attempt”, which is a derivative of the noun “πείρα” (peîra), “experience”. Coming from the depths of the centuries, the word “pirate” took on another dimension in our days. The ruling classes saw pirates as rebels and hated them. Rebels without a state, they were not submissive to any law, except from the laws they instituted themselves, improvising together. This is the feeling of a Pirate: when something doesn’t work, you have to attempt to bring a new concept. Sometimes it goes beyond a certain point and perhaps exceeds certain limits, because it is an expression of challenge; the challenge to change the system. I’m a member of the Board (and former chairman) of Pirate Party of Greece, also a member of press team of PPGR, former journalist, now a free lancer. I’m in the team of Pirate Times from the start, I joined voluntarily and consciously because I am interested to meet pirates from around the world, to exchange views and spread the pirate spirit.

About Zidjinn

About Adrianos Pappas

About Andrew McCallum
Andrew McCallum lives and works in Southern Scotland. By day he runs a community-led social enterprise company in a small area of multiple deprivation on the southside of Edinburgh, providing a range of care and support services to disadvantaged people, and by night he scribbles poetry while consuming vast quantities of caffeine and nicotine. He is a member of Pirate Party UK and a bit of an anarchist.

About Ariel Martins

About Andrew Williams
I was born in 1999 in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, UK. I currently live in Cheshire in the UK, and I have been politically active in both the Green Party of England and Wales and Something New. I have a strong interest in politics and history, including of the pirate party movement.

About Anouk Neeteson
Hi, I’m an active pirate since early 2012. I left politics in 1983 and the union 10 years later because I realised it was all a scam. I’m of the No future Generation. I call multi-versatile philosopher with experience as a docker, soldier, certified welder, qualified optician and coffeeshop-manager in Amsterdam, pre-retired now. I am an idealist at heart and a pragmatist in daily reality. I am active in the French Parti Pirate where I live now, and I am also active in the Dutch Piratenpartij (where I was born).
Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) “Let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, do away with greed, with hate and intolerance.”

About Anton Nordenfur
I’m party organiser for the Swedish Pirate Party, and work as a freelancing writer and translator. I’m primarily interested in research politics and LGBTQ rights, and blog in Swedish over at antonnordenfur.com.

About Cécile Dupont

About Chris Prokopidis
Chris Prokopidis was born in 1979, Florina, Greece. Graduated from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2001 (Law School) and presented his PhD Thesis in 2008.
From 2003 to 2006 he has practiced law as an attorney in Thessaloniki. He has been working for the Hellenic Tax Department since 2006. Dr Prokopidis specializes in the area of tax compliance, but his interests cover the whole spectrum of taxation.
During the recent crisis in Greece (2009- nowadays) he joined PP-GR. Claims that modern politics include more direct democracy and focuses on greater citizens’ participation to democratic institutions and decision-making.

About Jelena Jovanovic

About Ed Geraghty
Ed is the Party Secretary for Pirate Party UK and has been active in the Pirate movement in various roles since 2009. Originally a programmer by trade, he now works as a Commodities Trader in central London.

About Loïc Grobol
I am a pirate since late 2011, a member of the French Parti Pirate. Maths teacher and former linguist, I spend a large part of my spare time campaigning for a Federal EU.

About Felicitas Steinhoff
I recently moved back to Germany, after having lived in Santa Fe (BA St. John’s College), Morocco (MA in International Relations Al Akhawayn University) and Boston. In Boston, I worked with Grassroots Camapaigns to raise awareness and funds for organizations such as the ACLU, Oxfam and Planned Parenthood. While in Boston, Dewey Square was occupied and I attended a meeting of the Pirate Party MA, which very much shaped my current outlook on participatory democracy and transparent politics.
Now, back in Germany in the picturesque town of Hildesheim, I’m the assistant secretary of the Pirate Party Fraction in our city council, do some translation work and tutoring in English, German and Latin.

About Henrique Peer

About Hugo Ferreira

About Luka Dujmovic
I’m a supporter of the Pirate, Open Source and Open Government movements, I hold a bachelor and master degree in political science and in 2012 I’ve written and defended a thesis called “Open source democracy – the internet, social networks and representative democracy”. Also my main research interests consist of subjects from the field of political theory and European studies such as deliberative democracy, open government, liquid democracy, The Pirate Movement, privacy, European federalisation and policy, etc. Apart from my mother tongue I speak English fluently and I have a moderate knowledge of Spanish.

About Mozart Olbrycht-Palmer
I’ve been a member of Pirate Party Australia since 2011. I am the current Press and Inquiries Officer, and was previously on the board of Pirate Party Australia, as well as overseeing policy development. I was also once a member of the Pirate Parties International Court of Arbitration. I have a degree in music, and am nearly finished a degree in law. I live near Sydney.

About Michael Moroni
I was born in 1990, I live in Canegrate (MI), Italy and I study Mathematics in University of Milan. I’m a member of Pirate Party of Italy and Pirate Party of Milan. I’m a LGBT* right activist, I’m vegan and esperantist.

About Morgan Pevonka-Thompson
Morgan is a founding member of the Wisconsin Pirate Party Cooperative, a state party affiliated with the US Pirate Party.
She wears many hats: as a certified firearms instructor, she trains people in the safe use and handling of firearms, as well as for the carry of concealed weapons. As a Federal Firearms Licensee, she collects curio & relic firearms. As a licensed amateur radio operator, she is active in emergency management and communications. As a certified medical assistant, she works in a small office for a nurse in independent practice. In her free time, she likes to go sailing whenever the opportunity arises.

About Mauro Pirata

About Matthijs Pontier
I have always had an interest for privacy, digital freedom and copyright reform. I actively Twitter about these subjects, publish opinion articles, givepresentations and perform at public debates or in the media every now and then. As an interdisciplinary scientist, I work to enable robots and computers to make moral decisions, and currently I am trying to bring morals and integrity back into politics by advocating transparency and citizen participation. I have been a candidate for the Pirate Party in several elections, and was among others lead candidate for the 2014 European elections for PPNL. Next to this, I have participated in various activist groups. Currently, I represent the Pirate Party in the waterboard.

About Matic Urbanija
International Coordinator, Pirate Party of Slovenia/Contributor, Pirate Times/blog: maticurbanija.wordpress.com

About Michael Wartenbe
I am a Florida native and member of the Florida Pirate Party. I currently live in Miami where I am working on a PhD in international Relations. I became interested in the Pirate Party when simply studying politics was not enough and because the movement focuses on a sometimes confusing and often forgotten side of our current economic environment–Intellectual Property, which is sure to become an exponentially important topic for the future of our societies.

About Pedro Gutierrez
The certainty that a World War on Democracy was going on and we, the people, were unaware of it was keeping me up at night.
The fact, crystal clear now after Snowden’s revelations, that the new battlefield is your mobile, your laptop, your data and so, that every citizen (i.e. you) is being considered a target was inconceivable for me. And it became worse when I realized that most people just didn’t care about it: “I don’t mind a bit of spying? I’m a good citizen I’ve nothing to hide”.
So when Pirate Times let me write about it in this blog I was happy to finally take action.
But dear reader be warned because it may happen to you what already happened to me. Reporting week after week about the battles for democracy has changed my perception of the magnitude of this conflict. I already thought when I started that the situation was terrible and the conflict was not winding down but, no matter what, at the end of every week when I submit my post I realize again that I had underestimated it all.

About Purodha Blissenbach
Studied mathematics+physics during he 1907s, worked as a freelance consultant for computer, software and related matters, studying linguistics+phonetics+digital humanities now. Member of the Pirate Party of Germany since 2009.

About Paul Wardenga
I am a political science grad student at the University of Cologne with my interest focused on issues of European integration and EU politics. I’m trying to channel my activities within the Pirates accordingly, hence topics related to these issues will make up a large part of my work for the Pirate Times as well.

About Rachael Tackett
Originally part of the Occupy protests, Rachael is an advocate for transparency in government and digital civil liberties.

About Rainer v. Leoprechting

About Simos Dalkiriadis

About Kirsten Markwart

About Fabián Plaza Miranda
I’m a Spanish Lawyer, writer and Pirate.
As a Lawyer, I’m specialized in International Law and Spanish Internet Law. I’m a fighter for human rights and believe in peaceful conflict resolution. I speak fluent Spanish, Catalan, English, French and a quite decent Italian. As a writer, I was finalist of Andromeda (2008) and Minotauro (2010) Awards, with works centered on political science-fiction. I’ve published several books, short stories and opinion pieces. As a Pirate, I’m a member of the Spanish Pirate Confederation. I normally work -and have been an electoral candidate- for the Galician Pirate Party (Galicia is the beautiful Celtic land in Northwestern Spain), but I’ve also been appointed as a candidate for the Catalan Pirate Party. In short, I’d love to see the pirate network expand more and more.

About Zana V.
Ageing urban hippy, eco-friendly hedonist, potty-mouth pacifist, linux-loving lunatic, open-source evangelist, conspiracy realist.

About Zbigniew Łukasiak
I am a 40 years old programmer from Poland. I am fascinated (and scared) by the way Internet changes our societies and I want to take a part in that. I believe the changes has only just begun and they will be deep. I have a degree in Computing Science – but I read a lot on psychology, sociology and other other related subjects. I am agnostic or even atheist but I am fascinated by Rene Girard. I am a Free and Open Source Software passionate (https://github.com/zby) and I joined Interenet Society Poland when there was a Free Software chapter, and I stayed there while ISOC Poland fighted the patent directive and retency laws in the European Parliament. I have been involved in reinstaing the Polish Pirate Party. Pollitically I am maybe close to libertarians – but I am not a dogmatic and I also believe that our new ways of communicating and working will also require new politics. I speak fluently in Polish and English and I can communicate in Russian and French and know a bit of Spanish. I joined your list mostly to look around – I am not a professional writer – but I am very interested in working on the Pirate pollitical dogma and I think this needs to be done internationally.
I have three blogs:
http://brudnopis.blogspot.com (general)
http://perlalchemy.blogspot.com/ (programming related)
http://brudnopispirata.blogspot.com (pirate related, in Polish)
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