Andrew Reitemeyer | PirateTimes
Birgitta Jónsdóttir : « Nous, peuple, sommes le système » TEDx Reykjavik 16 mai 2015
Le discours de Birgitta Jónsdóttir, « Nous, peuple, sommes le système », a été prononcé lors du TEDx Reykjavik tenue le 16 mai 2015. Birgitta nous explique pourquoi ce petit pays insulaire qu’est l’Islande a besoin d’un gouvernement dirigé par…
Mais que se passe-t’il chez nos amis Pirates allemands ?
Après l’ascension fulgurante du Parti Pirate en Allemagne entre 2009 et 2013, le parti semble maintenant en déclin, et passe de crise en crise. La dernière en date est intitulée « bombergate » : deux jeunes femmes ont pris part…
About Andrew Reitemeyer
I joined the Pirate Party of Lower Saxony in Germany in April 2012, once I found out that non citizens were welcome to join and become active members of the Party.
I joined the Pirate Times soon after it was started as a proof reader and am now an editor and author. Since then I have returned to my native New Zealand and joined the Pirate Party of New Zealand.
Politically I come from the libertarian left and have, up to now, not regarded any political party as having a solution for the democratic deficit that envelops the world. With the advent of the Pirate Party, which truly embraces grass roots democracy, I have found a political home. The Pirate Times is a way I can contribute to furthering the Pirate Movement around the world.
Skype: frithogar
Peter Sunde, co fondateur de Pirate Bay, arrêté
Le journal suédois Expressen, rapporte que Peter Sunde, le co-fondateur de Pirate Bay, a été arrêté. Il a été arrêté lors d’un raid dans une ferme près de la ville de Skåne Tonganoxie. On suppose que la police polonaise serait…
About Andrew Reitemeyer
I joined the Pirate Party of Lower Saxony in Germany in April 2012, once I found out that non citizens were welcome to join and become active members of the Party.
I joined the Pirate Times soon after it was started as a proof reader and am now an editor and author. Since then I have returned to my native New Zealand and joined the Pirate Party of New Zealand.
Politically I come from the libertarian left and have, up to now, not regarded any political party as having a solution for the democratic deficit that envelops the world. With the advent of the Pirate Party, which truly embraces grass roots democracy, I have found a political home. The Pirate Times is a way I can contribute to furthering the Pirate Movement around the world.
Skype: frithogar
Les pirates islandais prêts pour les élections locales
Le Parti Pirate islandais a vu trois pirates entrer à l’Althing (le parlement islandais) il y a tout juste un an. Ils sont désormais prêts à avoir plus de sièges aux assemblées régionales. Le vote se déroulera le 31 mai…
About Andrew Reitemeyer
I joined the Pirate Party of Lower Saxony in Germany in April 2012, once I found out that non citizens were welcome to join and become active members of the Party.
I joined the Pirate Times soon after it was started as a proof reader and am now an editor and author. Since then I have returned to my native New Zealand and joined the Pirate Party of New Zealand.
Politically I come from the libertarian left and have, up to now, not regarded any political party as having a solution for the democratic deficit that envelops the world. With the advent of the Pirate Party, which truly embraces grass roots democracy, I have found a political home. The Pirate Times is a way I can contribute to furthering the Pirate Movement around the world.
Skype: frithogar
La participation des Pirates grecs aux élections européennes dépend du crowdfunding
En prenant en compte la situation économique désastreuse qui rend la vie des Grecs très difficile, c’est courageux de la part du Parti Pirate Grec de vouloir participer aux élections européennes. Le parti a été fondé il y a deux…
About Andrew Reitemeyer
I joined the Pirate Party of Lower Saxony in Germany in April 2012, once I found out that non citizens were welcome to join and become active members of the Party.
I joined the Pirate Times soon after it was started as a proof reader and am now an editor and author. Since then I have returned to my native New Zealand and joined the Pirate Party of New Zealand.
Politically I come from the libertarian left and have, up to now, not regarded any political party as having a solution for the democratic deficit that envelops the world. With the advent of the Pirate Party, which truly embraces grass roots democracy, I have found a political home. The Pirate Times is a way I can contribute to furthering the Pirate Movement around the world.
Skype: frithogar
Le Parti Pirate suédois mène une campagne de crowdfunding pour les européennes
Juste après que les Pirates australiens aient célèbré leur premier succès de crowdfunding, nous avons reçu des nouvelles des Pirates suédois. Ces derniers sont en train de mener une démarche similaire pour les élections du parlement européen avec une page…
About Andrew Reitemeyer
I joined the Pirate Party of Lower Saxony in Germany in April 2012, once I found out that non citizens were welcome to join and become active members of the Party.
I joined the Pirate Times soon after it was started as a proof reader and am now an editor and author. Since then I have returned to my native New Zealand and joined the Pirate Party of New Zealand.
Politically I come from the libertarian left and have, up to now, not regarded any political party as having a solution for the democratic deficit that envelops the world. With the advent of the Pirate Party, which truly embraces grass roots democracy, I have found a political home. The Pirate Times is a way I can contribute to furthering the Pirate Movement around the world.
Skype: frithogar
Le Parti Pirate Bavarois gagne des sièges aux élections locales
Les pirates bavarois s’attendaient à un moment difficile dans le lander le plus conservateur d’Allemagne. Lors des élections fédérales, ils ont pu obtenir seulement 1,9% des voix et une déception équivalente pour les élections du lander. Les obstacles pour participer…
About Andrew Reitemeyer
I joined the Pirate Party of Lower Saxony in Germany in April 2012, once I found out that non citizens were welcome to join and become active members of the Party.
I joined the Pirate Times soon after it was started as a proof reader and am now an editor and author. Since then I have returned to my native New Zealand and joined the Pirate Party of New Zealand.
Politically I come from the libertarian left and have, up to now, not regarded any political party as having a solution for the democratic deficit that envelops the world. With the advent of the Pirate Party, which truly embraces grass roots democracy, I have found a political home. The Pirate Times is a way I can contribute to furthering the Pirate Movement around the world.
Skype: frithogar
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