Lorena Müller | | PirateTimes
Transparencia pirata en Lleida (PPCAT)
Desde el año pasado, Pirates de Catalunya y la Confederación Pirata tienen un pirata en el Ayuntamiento de Lleida. Lleida es la capital de una de las cuatro provincias catalana. Durante las últimas elecciones, Pirates de Catalunya participó en muchas…
About Lorena Müller
I’m an Italian-Argentinean citizen living in Madrid, Spain since 2002. I’m
photographer, social media and IT consultant. I’m 15M (Indignados) activist.
I joined the Pirate movement in 2013 as an active member, working on amendments for the last European elections’ Common European Pirate Program and managing our social networks.
Currently I’m also the Confederación Pirata chairwoman.
I believe in liquid democracy, active participation in public life and left wing ideology. I’m feminist, antifascist and pirate.
Without Human Rights there is not any Democracy.
Los piratas suizos votan a favor de la Renta Básica
Un muy importante referéndum tendrá lugar el próximo domingo 5 de junio en Suiza: la iniciativa legislativa popular por la Renta Básica Universal (RBU, en castellano; UBI, en inglés), apoyada por 100.000 ciudadanas y ciudadanos suizos, será presentada a los electores…
About Stathis Leivaditis
The English “pirate” is derived from the Greek word “πειρατής” (peiratēs) and this in turn from the verb “πειράομαι” (peiráomai), “I attempt”, which is a derivative of the noun “πείρα” (peîra), “experience”. Coming from the depths of the centuries, the word “pirate” took on another dimension in our days. The ruling classes saw pirates as rebels and hated them. Rebels without a state, they were not submissive to any law, except from the laws they instituted themselves, improvising together. This is the feeling of a Pirate: when something doesn’t work, you have to attempt to bring a new concept. Sometimes it goes beyond a certain point and perhaps exceeds certain limits, because it is an expression of challenge; the challenge to change the system. I’m a member of the Board (and former chairman) of Pirate Party of Greece, also a member of press team of PPGR, former journalist, now a free lancer. I’m in the team of Pirate Times from the start, I joined voluntarily and consciously because I am interested to meet pirates from around the world, to exchange views and spread the pirate spirit.
Líder del Partido Pirata de Berlín arrestado en una manifestación contra Erdogan
Bruno Kramm, el líder de la territorial berlinesa del Piraten Partei alemán fue arrestado ayer por “insultar a un representante de un Estado extranjero”. Durante la manifestación él citó un poema satírico escrito por el comediante Jan Boehmermann. La policía…
About Andrew McCallum
Andrew McCallum lives and works in Southern Scotland. By day he runs a community-led social enterprise company in a small area of multiple deprivation on the southside of Edinburgh, providing a range of care and support services to disadvantaged people, and by night he scribbles poetry while consuming vast quantities of caffeine and nicotine. He is a member of Pirate Party UK and a bit of an anarchist.
Piratas de Islandia al borde de ser gobierno. ¿Ayudamos?
Cómo podemos ayudar al Partido Pirata de Islandia, es una pregunta difícil de responder. Con solo 3 representantes en el Congreso no tienen suficientes fondos del Estado. Ellos dependen principalmente del dinero de sus miembros y de quienes los apoyan….
About Andrew Reitemeyer
I joined the Pirate Party of Lower Saxony in Germany in April 2012, once I found out that non citizens were welcome to join and become active members of the Party.
I joined the Pirate Times soon after it was started as a proof reader and am now an editor and author. Since then I have returned to my native New Zealand and joined the Pirate Party of New Zealand.
Politically I come from the libertarian left and have, up to now, not regarded any political party as having a solution for the democratic deficit that envelops the world. With the advent of the Pirate Party, which truly embraces grass roots democracy, I have found a political home. The Pirate Times is a way I can contribute to furthering the Pirate Movement around the world.
Skype: frithogar
Piratas llamados a ayudar con un ‘selfie’ al Partido de Internet en las elecciones serbias
LLAMADA A LOS PIRATAS para hacerse selfies y enviarlos antes del martes 19 de abril. La Idea: ¿Te has preguntado cómo la cultura pirata puede ayudar a lanzar un movimiento local hacia el centro de la acción? Ahora tenemos esa…
About Lorena Müller
I’m an Italian-Argentinean citizen living in Madrid, Spain since 2002. I’m
photographer, social media and IT consultant. I’m 15M (Indignados) activist.
I joined the Pirate movement in 2013 as an active member, working on amendments for the last European elections’ Common European Pirate Program and managing our social networks.
Currently I’m also the Confederación Pirata chairwoman.
I believe in liquid democracy, active participation in public life and left wing ideology. I’m feminist, antifascist and pirate.
Without Human Rights there is not any Democracy.
Julia Reda premiada por los eurodiputados en la categoría Agenda Digital
El premio anual de la Revista del Europarlamento se llevó a cabo el 16 de marzo de 2016 pasado. Este evento está diseñado para agradecer a los colegas por su trabajo; está patrocinado por el sector empresarial y reparte premios en…
About Josef Ohlsson Collentine
I’m a dual citizen (American/Swede) and try to integrate my reflections from a more global perspective if possible. I’m the organizational leader for Pirate Times and work actively to strengthen the pirate movement through this work as well as being the international contact for Piratpartiet (PPSE). Elected board member of PPSE for 2015-2018.
If you would like to ask me something I speak English, Swedish and Spanish. Find me on the links below
Réplica a Rick Falkvinge sobre la evolución del Movimiento Pirata en su primera década
El pasado 1 de enero Rick Falkvinge celebraba el décimo aniversario del nacimiento de Piratpartiet (Partido Pirata sueco) con otra columna desde su tribuna particular en Infopolicy. En ella nos narra las lecciones que ha aprendido en esta década y el camino que…
About Lorena Müller
I’m an Italian-Argentinean citizen living in Madrid, Spain since 2002. I’m
photographer, social media and IT consultant. I’m 15M (Indignados) activist.
I joined the Pirate movement in 2013 as an active member, working on amendments for the last European elections’ Common European Pirate Program and managing our social networks.
Currently I’m also the Confederación Pirata chairwoman.
I believe in liquid democracy, active participation in public life and left wing ideology. I’m feminist, antifascist and pirate.
Without Human Rights there is not any Democracy.
PPEU – ¡Tenemos que hablar! (HOY – asamblea a las 20 hs CET)
El tiempo pasa rápido. Apenas hace poco más de un año estábamos tratando de entrar en el Parlamento Europeo, y ya ha llegado el momento de empezar a prepararnos para las elecciones de 2019. La primera asamblea entre los partidos…
About Josef Ohlsson Collentine
I’m a dual citizen (American/Swede) and try to integrate my reflections from a more global perspective if possible. I’m the organizational leader for Pirate Times and work actively to strengthen the pirate movement through this work as well as being the international contact for Piratpartiet (PPSE). Elected board member of PPSE for 2015-2018.
If you would like to ask me something I speak English, Swedish and Spanish. Find me on the links below
¡Un pirata surcando los mares!
La tripulación de la expedición Kon-Tiki II navegan con balsas desde Perú hasta la Isla de Pascua, ¡ida y vuelta! Esta aventura ya fue realizada también con dos balsas por el biólogo y explorador noruego Thor Heyerdahl en 1947. Los…
About Lorena Müller
I’m an Italian-Argentinean citizen living in Madrid, Spain since 2002. I’m
photographer, social media and IT consultant. I’m 15M (Indignados) activist.
I joined the Pirate movement in 2013 as an active member, working on amendments for the last European elections’ Common European Pirate Program and managing our social networks.
Currently I’m also the Confederación Pirata chairwoman.
I believe in liquid democracy, active participation in public life and left wing ideology. I’m feminist, antifascist and pirate.
Without Human Rights there is not any Democracy.
Si quieres paz, prepárate para la paz – Un mensaje del PPFR
El 13 de noviembre de 2015 la cobardía y la intolerancia han ensangrentado las calles de París y nuestra indignación es enorme. Nuestros pensamientos están con las víctimas y sus familiares. Esas vidas rotas, cortadas, no nos los traerán de…
About Lorena Müller
I’m an Italian-Argentinean citizen living in Madrid, Spain since 2002. I’m
photographer, social media and IT consultant. I’m 15M (Indignados) activist.
I joined the Pirate movement in 2013 as an active member, working on amendments for the last European elections’ Common European Pirate Program and managing our social networks.
Currently I’m also the Confederación Pirata chairwoman.
I believe in liquid democracy, active participation in public life and left wing ideology. I’m feminist, antifascist and pirate.
Without Human Rights there is not any Democracy.
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